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2nd Edition of International School

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After the great success of the first edition, the Pontifical Lateranense University offers a second edition of the School of Pastoral Management, this time with simultaneous translation in English and Spanish.

The course will start the 26th of October (the application deadline is the 10th of October) and it will take place in collaboration with Villanova University, the oldest and largest Catholic university in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, founded by the Order of Saint Augustine in 1842. The students of the International School of Pastoral Management will have the chance to spend one week of the Summer School in Villanova University and to gain significant experiences of the Pennsylvanian Church and the New York diocese. Some American teachers of the Master in Church Management will held a few lessons in Rome to extend the competences of people who have or will have responsibilities of management or strategic communication in the Church.


The Director of the School, Giulio Carpi, says: «It’s not enough wishing to do good things; it needs to learn how to do it. Obviously, our aim is not to make a wordlization of the mission of the Church, but to sustain it with the research». The Dean of the PUL, Monsignor Enrico dal Covolo, desired the School of Pastoral Management and said: «Many young priests are generous, spiritually mature and with a lot of passion, but they can’t cope with problematic situations related to their leadership: a community that is not active or that has inner conflicts, insufficient economic resources to realize creative projects, the strain to motive dull parishioners etc.

We have the examples of great saints who enlighten the Church with their lives, for instance Don Bosco or Mother Theresa. Their love for poor people expressed itself through demonstrations of creativity and initiative better than any famous of Silicon Valley. Don Bosco has been called the “businessman of God”. I interpret the sentence “Poor Church for poor people” in this way: everything that the Church has or does should aim at the happiness of the unhappy people».

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