We developed a learning method that helps people improving their creative abilities till the top of their potentiality. This method make people reaching very high quality and speed levels of understanding, making originalities, improving knowledges, having positive personal and organizational attitudes.
We can transfer our know-how in a structured and systematic way, focuzing on the goals of our project’s partners. We try to make esaier, quicker and more productive the changing processes of individuals, groups and organization by teaching them specific methods and instruments that improve creativity. During twenty years of work in different fields we have been learning to recognize individual and organizational obstacles that stop change, innovation, development and results.
Since the beginning, Creativ attention and resources have been pointed to the context in which people interact to develop mental agility and brain plasticity to face the complexity of the world in a creative and innovative way and to reduce anxiety, frustrations and routines. People in this state of mind are open to new solutions and outlooks, ready to face the reality.
Through our courses of formation, coaching and tutoring we incentive and improve the creative abilities of people. Creativity makes easier and speedier learning new contents and developing new strategies both on personal and professional side. Using creative abilities helps thinking outside of the box, breaking the mould and reaching goals using limited resources.
That is why we call it “quick thought”.
In its own career, Creativ team has been setting up formation courses and expert advice for universities, schools, cooperatives and companies meeting thousands of professionals, teachers, parents, educators, children and teenagers.
Creativoffers learning experiences that involve the whole person by merging theory and practice, trying to raise curiosity to ignite mental, emotive and cognitive dynamics.
Especially in the Catholic world, we set up a lot of meeting and courses all around Italy in 250 institutions:
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and Piacenza
Salesian University of VeneziaMestre
Pontifical Lateran University
National Office of Youth Pastoral of CEI
Religious congregations and Institutes of consecrated life
Religious institutes
Ecclesiastic corporations
FISM (Italian Federation of Nursery Schools)
CISI (Inspectorate Salesian Conferences of Italy)