1° Edition currently underways...
On February 16th 2015 was held the first lesson of the School of Pastoral Management at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. This first edition has already counted 29 members from various parts of Italy, from Sicily to northern Italy, and international participants: Austria, Slovenia, Peru, Venezuela.
A course characterized by a special work method
Lectures and classroom exercises. In the months between February and June they were held in classroom lessons according to the calendar, through style methodology that distinguishes the School of PM: lessons, individual and in subgroups, simulations, outdoor experiences, meeting with witnesses.
In every two day (a Monday and a Tuesday of each month), the team of trainers Creativ that supports students with the Director of School Giulio Carpi, have proposed the professors who have held their lessons related to their subjects, concrete cases -practice individually or in sub-groups, to monitor and support the skills of students and encourage the process of appropriation of the technical content.
Outdoor experiences. The participants took part of outdoor experiences, thanks to the beautiful basilicas present around the Lateran, to relive and experience through different way than classroom (art, architecture, the symbolic and iconographic dimension) the themes of course.
Meeting with witnesses. In addition to teachers and trainers-tutors, the students have already had the opportunity to meet some of the witnesses that the School of PM invited. These are managers, professionals, leaders, theologians and figures of spirituality, able to stimulate the participants to re-read their own experiences and content even in a different key, according to an appropriation of significant content and instruments, of an expansion of its perceptual mapping and analysis of reality. In February there was a significant meeting University realized with Card. Gianfranco Ravasi; hen with dr. Luca Virginio - Director of Communications and External Relations of Barilla Group and Vice President of the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation; finally with Dr. Federico Mioni - Director of Federmanager Academy (the Business School established by Federmanager).
The online classroom. Through a special platform LMS (Learning Management System), the students can access to online classroom where in addition to the material used in the course (lecture notes, presentations, videos ...), they could find deepening material, exercises and tests, additional video lessons or supports for those who are absent, bibliographies and glossaries, forums and interaction among participants and with tutors.
The Summer School. As scheduled, 12-18 July 2015 was held the Summer School: a week of intensive training in the Alpine valleys, on the theme INNOVATION IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROCESSES AND ORGANIZATION. The students have experienced a particular combination between the course content (creativity and design in the management of human resources and of an organization, styles, patterns of leadership, relationship management and delegation, teamwork...) and the particular location. Some modules have been processed through outdoor experiences using special setting where live experience in an active way and their methods, relationship, communication, social and emotional skills. The students had the opportunity to fully experience the training methodology of the Creative Learning Method, getting each one a profile relative to his own creative and leadership potential on which continue to work in terms of empowerment during the School.
Next meetings. On September 21st to 22nd in Rome will restart lessons (Economy and management of church property: legal, administrative and tax - 2, Create a social enterprise: opportunity constraints models procedures) which will end on May 26th, 2016 with the final exam and the awarding of diplomas. The final exam will consist in the presentation of the personal Project Work: active experimentation content learned during the training of school, a project strictly connected to the real operating environments and conditions of each participant.