The Pop and the Church advise...
The Church has a unique patrimony on the management and promotion of people and goods side in a missionary and evangelization way.
«We have the examples of great saints who enlightened the Church with their lives, for instance Don Bosco and Mother Theresa. Their love for poor people expressed itself through demonstrations of creativity and initiative better than any famous of Silicon Valley. Don Bosco has been called the “businessman of God”. I interpret the sentence “Poor Church for poor people” in this way: everything that the Church has or does should aim at the happiness of the unhappy people». (Monsignor Dal Covolo)
«Many young priests are generous, spiritually mature and with a lot of passion, but they can’t cope with problematic situations related to their leadership: a community that is not active or that has inner conflicts, insufficient economic resources to realize creative projects, the strain to motive dull parishioners etc.»
(Monsignor Dal Covolo)
«It is useful to remind that Christian faith is not just a flame that ignites believers’ hearts, but it is also the human history’s propulsive force»
Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson
The beatified Pope John Paul II wrote: «Today more than ever, the Church knows that its social message will have more credibility with actions than coherence and internal logic». Referring to the Social Doctrine of the Church, the great witness of actions, that in the vast majority of cases are lays, cannot be «just users and passive executors, but protagonists in the essential moment of the realization. They are also important partners of pastors thanks to their experience gained on the ground and their expertise»
(Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus, 57)
«The respect of the dignity of any human being and the research of the common good should be the first purpose of every economic choice. However, sometimes the economic choices seem to be just part of speeches and without a complete realization. Many words are boring for this system! It is annoying talking about the ethical dilemma, the goods distribution, the job protection and the defence of whom has no power. It is annoying alluding to a God who requests more justice. Sometimes these topics are depressed by rhetoric. Business is a vocation, even a good vocation, but it is necessary that businessmen work to win better challenges in life. This will help them to serve the common good, struggling to increase the Heart products and to make them accessible to anyone»
(Pope Francis: Evangelii Gaudium 203, 2013)
«The social nature of human beings, in image of the Trinity community, underlines a fundamental value: the importance of the common good. The Second Vatican Council defined the common good as “the combination of social life conditions that help people and groups to reach their perfection fully and quickly».
(Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 26)
«If any community of the Church wants to be quiet without working creatively and efficaciously cooperating in order to make poor people living with dignity and to include everyone, it will take the risk of dissolution, although the Church talks about social topics or criticizes governments. It will easily be overwhelmed by spiritual mundanity that is dissimulated by religious practices, infertile meetings and meaningless speeches».
(EG 20)