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Lara Montanari

Psychologist and psychotherapist, Lara is one of the founders of Creativ, where she works since 20 years in the pastoral, corporate and school areas as a trainer and psycho-pedagogical counselor. She is specialized in interpersonal and public communication, team work, leadership, problem solving and conflicts management, stress management and burnout themes.

Since 8 years Lara coordinates a school counseling project involving students, teachers and parents of 5 institutes, managing individual meetings of psychological support and problem solving, training courses and projects of the teaching team.

For 5 years she was teacher in the MsC in Pedagogic Design at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano, Italy).

She also worked for industries such as Ferrari, Agos Itafinco, Buena Vista International, Assimoco Assicurazioni creating training courses and experiences of single and individual coaching.

Since 10 years Lara works in fundraising and national and European planning; among the others, she coordinated the Creative Learning Method project, financed twice by European Community Program Leonardo da Vinci, involving partners from 10 European countries.

Lara authored 10 books about non-verbal communication, youth and catechesis.


Scientific Coordinator and Professor

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