Speech by prof. Roel C.W. van der Voort
From Homo economicus to Homo benedictus :
learn wisdom from the world of business creativity , leadership and managerial skills
Monday, December 14, 2015 we had the honor of hosting the prof . Roel van der Voort of the International School for Entrepreneurship and Business School professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Amsterdam .
He held for both editions of the School of Pastoral Management a speech to help the students to reflect on the challenges that the Church is now to take on the pastoral and economic issues.
Reflecting on the Dutch Church, he focused on the inability today to be able to communicate to young people spiritual themes and at the same time important for their lives . As the use of traditional communication tools is not able to intercept their deep need for meaning, which manifests itself when using other approache , such as dinners or parties in the faculty.
In this the Church must be able to look to the business community to implement weve renewal . We can learn from their creativity , leadership styles , methods of financing. In particular, we can look at those social entrepreneurs who use appropriate tools for managerial social good.
The challenge today, therefore, is to go from homo economicus to homo benedictus, who according to conception of leadership and management shown by St. Benedict in his Rule, knows and have deep respect of reality and of the resources available.